By healthcare professionals.
For healthcare professionals, not for profit.

MDDUS Solutions offers indemnity solutions for groups of medical and dental professionals and businesses. Built on 120 years of heritage of MDDUS, our aim is to offer bespoke solutions that will make it easier and more affordable to manage multiple indemnity policies, while ensuring that you, your colleagues and your business are protected against malpractice and vicarious liability claims.

Whether you are a practice owner, limited company, an LLP or an informal group, our experts are on hand to help ensure that we meet your specific needs. We can also provide the choice between discretionary indemnity or contractual insurance.


Get in touch

Three reasons to
MDDUS Solutions

  • Built on 120 years of trust
  • 24/7 Support, 365 days a year
  • Not-for-profit ethos

Medical indemnity solutions

Group Cover

Alongside advice, support and defence, we can make managing your group indemnity needs simpler, faster and more affordable. We can also help with centralised billing options.

Choose between discretionary indemnity or insurance.

Explore group cover

Business Cover

Backed by professional advice, support and representation, our medical business cover protects your company against clinical malpractice claims it could be held vicariously liable for.

Choose between discretionary indemnity or insurance.

Protect your business

Dental indemnity solutions

Group Cover

Alongside advice, support and defence, we can make managing your dental group indemnity needs simpler, faster and more affordable with our discretionary indemnity packages.

We can also help with centralised billing options.

Explore group cover

Business Cover

Protects your dental business against malpractice claims it could be held vicariously liable for. We’ll also be by your side - there for advice, support and representation.

Choose between discretionary indemnity or insurance.

Protect your business

Contact us to get a quote

Simply fill in your details and our team will be in touch to discuss your needs and build a bespoke quote for you.

Why choose us?


Our ethos is to provide indemnity products which stay true to the MDDUS Group's 'not-for-profit' status. That means that any profit earned by the  MDDUS Group is re-invested so that we can continue to put the needs of our members before financial gain.

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