By completing this form the details contained in this application will be passed to our MDDUS Solutions team for review. A Sales team member may be in touch, using the details you have provided, to discuss your application with you.
Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Details
The contact person will be the single point of contact for the Dental Group Scheme. Any documents provided to, or communications with this person, will be deemed to have been addressed, sent to and authorised by the organisation. By signing this form, the organisation will be deemed to have given this person authorisation to:
• instruct us to carry out MDDUS membership transactions
• amend cover on the organisation's behalf
• make legally binding amendments to the cover provided
• make subscription payments and receive subscription refunds.
GDP Details
Dental Nurse Supplement:
We are offering all Dental Group Scheme members the option to purchase indemnity cover for fully qualified and trainee dental nurses employed by, and working in your practice. This supplement provides access to claims-made indemnity which means that they are eligible for assistance for events that are notified while you are a corporate member. Indemnity offered by MDDUS extends to legal fees and defence costs incurred in respect of claims, as well as expert advice, support and representation in respect of: complaints from patients and their relatives about care delivered by them; General Dental Council (“GDC”) investigations; coroner’s inquests or fatal accident inquiries; certain criminal matters related to dental practice.
When joining the Dental Group Scheme you have two options for how the group will be billed:
Centralised Billing – Where the group/practice are collectively billed for the total cost of the group scheme cover via a single point of contact for the group.
Individual Billing – Where every individual of the group is billed for their own portion of the group scheme cover.
Looking to protect your business?
You can protect your business against clinical malpractice claims where the business is named or could be held vicariously liable for.
MDDUS needs the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our Privacy Notice.